The World Bank announced Friday it will make available US$250
million as its initial contribution for emergency reconstruction in
the immediate aftermath of the tsunami disaster. This amount will
cover the next six months while further financing for longer-term
reconstruction needs is identified.
The executive directors of the World Bank Group discussed today
the tsunami crisis affecting South and Southeast Asia and East
Africa. Bank management was requested to consider additional ways
to further increase the bank's support as the needs are
The US$250 million can be made available quickly from existing
programs, and will include the provision of emergency credits and
grants to respond to the immediate needs in the countries hit by
this disaster. Countries that have requested immediate assistance
include Indonesia, Maldives and Sri Lanka.
The World Bank is in direct contact with affected governments
and development partners, including the UN, the Asian Development
Bank, the Japan Bank for International Cooperation, and other
donors, to ensure a coordinated approach. World Bank experts across
different sectors are working closely with government officials and
experts from other agencies to plan for a quick assessment of the
damage in the tsunami-hit countries and prioritize the
reconstruction efforts.?
To ensure the coordination of emergency efforts within the UN
framework, World Bank President James D. Wolfensohn today
participated in conference calls between UN Secretary-General Kofi
Annan, heads of UN agencies, ambassadors of affected countries, and
the core donor support group comprising the US, India, Australia
and Japan.
( December 31, 2004)