Five years after the Millennium Declaration, many countries have
made progress towards achieving the Millennium Development Goals
(MDGs), but many more lag behind. Faster progress is needed in
reducing maternal and child deaths, boosting primary school
enrolments, and removing obstacles to greater numbers of girls
going to school, according to the World Bank's latest World
Development Indicators (WDI) 2005.
The Bank's annual compendium of economic, social, environmental,
business, and technology indicators, the WDI, reports that only 33
countries are on track to reach the 2015 goal of reducing child
mortality by two-thirds from its 1990 level. Almost 11 million
children in developing countries die before the age of five, most
from causes that are readily preventable in rich countries. These
include acute respiratory infection, diarrhea, measles and malaria,
which together account for 48 percent of child deaths in the
developing world.
The World View section of the WDI tracks progress on all the MDG
indicators. It provides evidence that inequalities within countries
-- between rich and poor, urban and rural, and male and female
populations -- may be as much a barrier to achieving the MDGs as
inequalities between countries. In India, for example, school
attendance rates for the richest 20 percent of the population are
twice as high as for the poorest. And in Mali, the mortality rate
of children from poor, rural families is twice as high as those
from rich, urban ones.
Figures gathered by the Bank suggest that four regions-East Asia
and the Pacific, Eastern Europe and Central Asia, Latin America and
the Caribbean, and the Middle East and North Africa-have made
substantial progress toward the target of reducing child mortality
by two-thirds. The most difficult challenge is faced by Sub-Saharan
Africa, where child mortality has fallen only marginally, from 187
deaths per thousand in 1990 to 171 deaths in 2003, the last year
for which figures are available. The MDG target for Sub-Saharan
Africa is to reduce the under-five mortality rate to 62 deaths per
thousand by 2015.
On primary education, 51 countries have already achieved the
goal of complete enrolment of eligible children and seven more,
mostly in Latin America, are on track, but progress has been slow
in parts of Africa and Asia. Worldwide, over 100 million
primary-school-age children remain out of school, almost 60 percent
of them girls. This situation endures despite overwhelming evidence
that teaching children how to read, write, and count, can boost
economic growth, arrest the spread of AIDS, and break the cycle of
South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa lag far behind the "Education
for All" goal and, at the present pace, will not reach it by 2015,
while the developing countries of Europe and Central Asia and the
Middle East and North Africa, will also have to pick up their pace
of enrolments to achieve it. Meanwhile, East Asia and the Pacific
and Latin America and the Caribbean, are expected to reach the
target well before 2015.
"Wealthy donor countries need to help developing countries,
which are serious about giving all their boys and girls a quality
primary school education, with the additional finance and support
they will need to boost enrolments, start training extra teachers,
build more classrooms, and improve the quality of education," said
Jean-Louis Sarbib, the Bank's Senior Vice President for Human
Development. "In a world tragically short of magic solutions,
primary education remains one of the most dramatic development
solutions available. Progress on education-as with many other
development challenges-becomes possible when political will and
resources come together."
Despite a promise by world leaders to remove the gender barriers
preventing more girls going to primary and secondary school by
2005, the WDI's most recent available figures show that, although
significant progress has been made, many countries in 2002-2003
were still considerably off-track to reach this target. Evidence
shows that higher levels of education for girls and women are
consistently associated with higher economic productivity, lower
rates of maternal and infant mortality, and lower fertility
Deprivation of extremely poor "an urgent call to
Turning to income poverty, the WDI presents data made public
last year showing the worldwide drop in the number and proportion
of people living in extreme poverty, that is, on less than US$1 a
day.? Four hundred million people climbed out of extreme
poverty between 1981 and 2001, reducing the world's poorest to 1.1
billion people, or 21 percent of the developing world's population,
in 2001.
Going beyond the US$1-a-day figures, the WDI reveals that the
average daily income of those living on less than a dollar a day
rose in those same years from 72 cents to 83 cents. But in
Sub-Saharan Africa, where the number of extremely poor almost
doubled from 164 million in 1981 to 313 million in 2001, the
average income of those living under US$1 a day also fell, from 64
to 60 cents.
"This level of deprivation should serve as an urgent call to
action in this year of Africa," said Francois Bourguignon, the
Bank's Senior Vice President for Development Economics and Chief
Economist. "Reversing this trend will require higher rates of
economic growth, with the benefits of growth reaching the
With rising poverty in Africa comes rising hunger.
Undernourishment, which means consuming too little food to maintain
normal levels of activity, actually increased in Sub-Saharan Africa
between 1992 and 2002.
Africa's lack of progress on the MDGs is largely due to slow
growth, complicated by the burdens of disease, famine and armed
conflict. By the end of 2003, for example, 15 million children
worldwide had lost one or both parents to AIDS, 12 million of them
in Africa alone. Similarly, about 85 percent of malaria deaths
occur in Sub-Saharan Africa.
Economic indicators offer hope
While some of the social indicators outlined in the WDI
underline the urgency of acting now to reach the MDGs, economic
growth in developing countries, which reached 6.6 percent in 2004,
offers hope.
Developing-country trade grew by 11.3 percent in 2003, almost
double the 6.3 percent growth in global trade, which is measured as
the sum of imports plus exports. China's continuing expansion into
the global marketplace drove trade in East Asia and the Pacific
from 45 percent of GDP in 1990 to 77 percent in 2003. In 2003,
China alone made up five percent of world trade and 20 percent of
developing country trade. Trade also makes up a significantly
larger part of Latin America and the Caribbean's trade, which
increased from 23 percent of GDP in 1990 to 42 percent in 2003.
With about 70 percent of the developing world's poor living in
rural areas, reducing agricultural protection in the rich countries
would help reduce poverty by enabling farmers in developing
countries to make income gains from trade. The WDI shows that
average tariffs on imports from developing countries declined
between 1993 and 2003, yet tariffs on food exported from low-income
countries to high-income OECD countries increased. The continued
expansion of global trade-which is critical to growth prospects in
developing countries-depends, in large part, on further trade
liberalization under the WTO's Doha Development Round, in
particular through rich countries opening their markets to poor
countries' exports.
East Asia's economic indicators combine to sketch a virtuous
circle of increasing trade, consumption, savings and investment.
There, and in other regions, governments increasingly have adopted
policies leading to greater fiscal stability, which has tended to
reduce inflation and interest rates. In 2003, for example, 32
countries worldwide had double-digit inflation, down from nearly 50
in 2000.
Statistical capacity-building essential to
Tracking progress on the MDGs is complicated by the fact that
many developing countries-often those facing the biggest MDG
challenges-do not have the statistics-gathering capacity to gain an
accurate assessment of their economic, social and human development
situation. Only one-half of the world's developing countries have
adequate data to monitor trends and thereby determine whether or
not they are on track to achieve the MDGs.
The World Bank's Data Group is addressing this situation with
the Statistical Capacity Building Program (STATCAP), which provides
financing to help member countries upgrade their statistical
systems. Direct support to countries includes statistical advisory
services and resources to upgrade specific statistical activities.
The work is undertaken in partnership with the international
statistical community including UN agencies, OECD, IMF, the
regional development banks, and other donors.
"Building systems to gather and analyze statistics is an
essential first step in staying on-track to achieve the MDGs," said
Shaida Badiee, Director of the World Bank Data Group. "They provide
the road map without which the journey cannot begin, much less end
with the success we all want."
( April 18, 2005)