"Eternal Moment" ("Jiang Ai"), the film sequel of the popular Chinese TV series, "Cherish Our Love Forever", released its theme song on Monday, January 10, sung by Faye Wong and Eason Chan.
Director Zhang Yibai, lead actor Li Yapeng, actor Chapman To, singer Eason Chan and songwriter Xiao Ke attended the press conference. It's the first time that Eason Chan collaborates with Faye Wong. Chan said Wong was his idol. He felt excited to sing with her.
Li Yapeng, husband of Faye Wong, revealed he had no idea that his wife would sing for the movie. "We never talk about work at home," Li explained.
The film will be shown in theaters on February 12.
Singer Eason Chan attends the press release of the theme song of film "Eternal Moment" on Monday, Jan. 11. [Photo: sohu.com] |