September 2004
Google launched a simplified Chinese version of news service.
July 2005
Google began operating its Research and Development Center in China, headed by Kai-Fu Lee, with its office located at NCI Tower. It later moved to Tsinghua Science Park in early 2006.
January 26, 2006
The local domain version of Google,, goes live in China.
April 13, 2006
CEO Eric Schmidt announced in Beijing that Gu Ge will become Google's official Chinese name and it also became the only non-English brand name of Google.
January 2007
Google announced a partnership with China Mobile to provide mobile and Internet search services in China.
February 2007
The Chinese version of Google Docs & Spreadsheets was introduced to allow online editing and sharing of files.
February 2008
Google Finance China is launched, allowing Chinese investors to get stock and mutual fund data.
August 2008
Google China launched a legal music download service, Google Music, in a partnership with, to compete with rival Baidu's similar offering.
April 2009
Google Simplified Chinese Toolbar was launched.
September 2009
Kai-Fu Lee announced his surprise exit to start a venture fund in Beijing. Yeo Boon Lock took over research and development team while Liu Yun heads business operations.