Hong Kong musician Emil Chau gives an interview to the Beijing Times on Monday, July 28, 2008 [Photo:jinghua.cn]
Hong Kong musician Emil Chau contributed to a music recording for a gala celebrating the 10-day countdown to the Beijing Olympics on Monday.
The star, whose face is often seen in Olympics promotions, said works related to the games are top priorities on his agenda.
Chau played a tour guide in a program introducing the National Stadium, the Beijing Times reported.
Chau has also mobilized family and friends to contribute to the games.
His 17-year-old son, Zhou Hou'an, will serve as a volunteer translator in Beijing during the Olympics.
"I helped him apply to become a volunteer," Chau said with pride.
The star also announced that he will hold a concert in Beijing in December.
(CRI July 29,2008)