Visiting a foot massage parlor is a pleasant, safe and
therapeutic bargain in Beijing. Foot massage has existed as an
ancient medical therapy in China for centuries. In fact, to become
an established traditional Chinese doctor a student begins by
studying massage, specifically foot massage, first. True, just as
in the West, some massage joints are seamy, offering sex for sale
along with advertised services and it’s often hard to tell what’s
going on until you walk in. Fortunately for me my work mates lead
me every Wednesday in lieu of lunch right around the corner to a
pre-noon special price foot massage. Together we interviewed a
manager of the Immortal-Aloe-Vera-Foot-Massage-Parlor, Sun Bao
VS: Mr. Sun, why do you give such great prices before noon? And
why are most of your workers females?
Sun: Because the majority of our clients come after work, when
their feet are tired. Others arrive after dining together. They sit
and rest, enjoy a massage and then head home. As for the girls,
about 75% of the customers are men and they simply prefer to look
at young, pretty girls. Others prefer males for their stronger
hands. Ultimately, men last longer in this field because the women,
after they marry, they stay home or try other kinds of part time
VS: Why did you choose this profession? What are your plans?
Sun: I’m 25 and from Hebei, I came to Beijing 3 years ago
looking for a good job. I saw that to be trained enough to begin
work as a masseuse only takes 6 months, it’s not too expensive, and
I realized I liked it. But I want to study further. I’ve done this
for 3 years, gone back to my school for conferences and additional
training but I hope to go back to school to study to be a
VS: How many levels of expertise exist for massage?
Sun: There are three levels, each with three years study. The
very top qualifies you to massage as a Chinese traditional doctor,
but doctors also need additional medical studies. TCM doctors are
skilled in massage, medicinal knowledge and acupuncture. Most
Chinese doctors are men, perhaps because massage is so
VS: Why is massage focused on the foot in China?
Sun: We offer other types of massage as well: head, neck and
shoulders, full body, specific areas for ailments, but its true
that most come for foot massage.?People use their feet
constantly; it’s one of the first places as you age to suffer from
physical complaints. Plus the foot contains pressure points that
correspond to all the major organs of your body; by massaging them
we are dispensing preventive medical services. The foot also
carries your weight, so it’s good to rub it and relax it.
VS: My organs are connected to my foot?
Sun: TCM teaches us that the hand, head and the foot have
specific pressure points that are indeed connected to your body
parts. By applying pressure any blockages or anomalies can be
gradually alleviated. The charm of TCM is that is it non-invasive –
but Western people often complain that it takes too long or that
the results are not dramatic enough. We Chinese feel that patience
and moderation are more suitable in both life and medicine.
VS: Can you please explain the massage strategy?
Sun: Certainly. First we soak your feet in hot water mixed with
Tibetan herbs; this relaxes your feet and allows us to give them a
quick wash. We always begin massage with the left foot because the
left contains your heart point. We ask clients about their heart
because applying pressure to this area can cause disturbances. My
aim in massage is to thoroughly invigorate all the major pressure
points, relax the muscles and tendons, and help the general
circulation. Massage here lasts 90 minutes.
VS: How does your massage compare to Chinese blind
Sun: The blind are said to be more intuitive so their hands are
supposedly very clever, but I personally feel that a sighted person
can identify and feel areas with eyes and hands as well or better
than a blind masseuse. In 1904 foreign missionaries developed blind
massage out of empathy for these disabled people and I’m glad that
they have a valid profession.
VS: Tell me about your facilities.
Sun: We have 15 rooms; some are for two, three, four, or six.
Customers like to come and enjoy massage with their friends; it is
a social activity in China. Some rooms have comfortable chairs;
others have massage tables.
VS: How is your massage different from Western
Sun: Traditional Chinese massage is health-directed – not
sensual. Unlike Western massage, Chinese massage requires that
clients remain fully clothed, except foot massage. During foot
massage the client removes both shoes and socks, because the foot
is soaked, cleaned and rubbed by the masseuse. ?Ready for your
VS: Yes!
( by Valerie Sartor November 26, 2007)