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The G20 is one of the most important economic bodies in the world. It has held four summits since the outbreak of the global financial crisis in 2008. Now let's have a review of the achievements made at previous meetings.
The Toronto Summit in June this year was held when the world were stepping out of the shadow of the crisis. The summit focused on speeding up economic recovery and growth. It set timetables for developed countries to reduce their budget deficits. The summit also targeted trade protectionism.
The Pittsburgh Summit in September 2009 saw a breakthrough in the governance of international financial institutions. The G20 members agreed to shift at least five percent of quota shares in the IMF and three percent in the World Bank from major developed countries to dynamic emerging markets and developing countries. The meeting also talked about reforms of financial supervision and exit from stimulus policies.
The London Summit in April 2009 agreed to pump in an additional amount of one trillion dollars to boost world trade and strengthen the IMF's ability to help nations in economic trouble. The meeting also pledged to combat protectionism, crackdown on tax havens, fight climate change and aid the world's poorest nations.
The Washington Summit in November 2008 was held among the spread of the financial crisis across the world. Members at the meeting pledged action to reverse global recession and prevent future financial upheaval. They vowed to regulate volatile market sectors, improve transparency in derivatives and reform bloated corporate pay deals.