After two successive failures last year, India Monday successfully test fired Agni II missile, with a range of over 2,000 km, from a launch site in the eastern state of Orissa, said Defense Ministry sources.
"The indigenously built Agni II missile, which has a range of 2, 000 km, has been successfully testfired at 9:15 a.m. from Wheelers Island off the coast of Orissa. The testfiring was conducted under the supervision of senior Indian Army officials and the Defense Research and Development Organization scientists." the sources said.
According to the sources, the missile firing from the Integrated Test Range was successful and met all parameters and mission objectives.
The Agni II is a medium range ballistic missile (MRBM) with two solid fuel stages and a Post Boost Vehicle (PBV) integrated into the missile's Re-entry Vehicle.
The nuclear capable 2,000-km-plus range missile has a length of 21 meters, a diameter of one meter, weighs 17 tons and can carry a payload of around 1,000 kg.