Iran's Defense Minister Ahmad Vahidi dismissed on Saturday the recent remarks by U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates about Iran's missile threats against Europe, stressing that the country's missile capability serves defensive purposes, Iran's Fars News Agency (FNA) reported.
Vahidi reiterated that "the Islamic Republic of Iran's missile capability has been designed and created for defending the country against military aggressions and not threatening any other country ", according the FNA.
Vahidi said that the United States' anti-Iran propaganda is aimed at expanding U.S. dominance over Europe, finding an excuse to avoid dismantlement of the nuclear arms stationed in Europe and imposing pressure on Russia.
Regarding Gates' remarks that Russian is "schizophrenic" in its approach to Iran, the Iranian minister said "While humiliating Russia, the U.S. is trying to undermine Russia's stand in its relations with the neighboring states through sowing discords in the region and disrupting ties among the regional states", the FNA reported.
Vahidi blasted Moscow for its support for a new round of UN Security Council sanctions against Iran in a move to near its ties with Washington, and called on Russia not to be fooled by the United States' psychological warfare and deceitful measures.
"They (Americans) have even victimized their closest allies for the sake of their own illegitimate interests and hegemony," Vahidi was quoted by the FNA as saying.