The mass protests in Egypt which began on Jan. 25 have left 32 police staff dead and 1,079 policemen and soldiers injured, the state media reported Monday.
Six officers, 11 policemen and 15 police recruits were killed in the security body during the past period of nationwide demonstrations, according to state-run MENA agency.
Some 342 officers, 167 police recruits and 570 soldiers were wounded.
Ninety-nine police stations and six prisons across the country were damaged, the report said.
More than 4,500 policemen protested Monday in front of the headquarters of the interior ministry in downtown Cairo, asking for raising their living standards.
Meanwhile, more than 300 policemen in uniform marched in Cairo' s streets, demanding the former interior minister Habib El Adly be tried for the chaos that occurred on Jan. 28.
The Egyptian stocks market, which was set to reopen on Wednesday after its closure on Jan. 27, was postponed to open again due to protests in the banking sector.