Pakistan has decided to temporarily withdraw its Ambassador and staff from Syria due to deteriorating security situation, the Foreign Ministry said Thursday.
However, the embassy in Syria has not been closed, the Foreign Ministry spokesman, Muazzam Khan said.
"Pakistan is concerned about security situation in Syria as well as killing of civilians and call upon all parties to resolve the issue through peaceful means," he told the weekly press briefing.
The spokesman also said Pakistan has shared dossier about the Pakistani Taliban leader, Maulvi Fazlullah, both with ISAF and Afghanistan and hoped that they would take action against him.
The military said that Fazalullah had fled to Afghanistan after the security forces conducted military operation in the northwestern Swat valley in 2009. Officials said that he has regrouped his fighters in Afghanistan border regions and launches attacks on Pakistani posts and villages. The American Ambassador to Pakistan has said that the coalition forces would take action against Fazlullah if Pakistan provided information about him.