The United States requested consultations with India in the World Trade Organization (WTO) Wednesday on the latter's domestic-content requirements for solar cells and solar modules, said the WTO Secretariat.
The United States claimed that India requires solar power developers, or their successors in contract, to purchase and use solar cells and solar modules of domestic origin in order to participate in the country's solar energy program, the Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission, said the WTO.
The United States also said solar power developers, or their successors in contract, receive certain benefits and advantages, including subsidies through guaranteed, long-term tariffs for electricity, contingent on their purchase and use of solar cells and solar modules of domestic origin.
This would cause a prejudice to the United States and is inconsistent with several WTO agreements, according to the complaint.
Response to the request has to be given within 10 days and the member requested shall enter into consultations within a maximum of 30 days after the date of the receipt of the request. Endi