The State Oceanic Administration (SOA) of China has published guidelines that regulate land reclamation and protect the environment of uninhabited islands.
"Connecting uninhabited islands to the mainland by reclaiming land must be strictly restricted. The islands must be protected, and they should be prevented from disappearing," according to the document on the SOA website.
According to the document, the original land formation of any uninhabited island should be protected, and any project that requires excavating more than 30 percent of an uninhabited island should first be approved unanimously by an expert panel. Also, islands with "aesthetic landscapes or geological features that are valuable for scientific research" should be regarded as reserve areas.
In April, 176 uninhabited islands in seven provinces and one autonomous region were categorized as open to public development. Enterprises or individuals whose plans are approved could get up to 50 years of development and use rights on an island.